With the union comes a merger of books: each one probably having about a thousand books each.
So they gave away books they have multiple copies of—good ones!—to the guests, with a special Paul & Sandra bookmark sandwiched in the pages. One book for every guest. But which to choose? There was Ondaatje, Calvino, Loorie Moore, David Foster Wallace, Hornby, Rushdie, Byatt, whew. You gotta make a decision, quick, because while the rest of the guests were lining up to get food, the writers were already circling the pile of books. As soon as it was considered, well, appropriate, we snatched the books we like. Paul gave me the blessing to get a lot, yeah, plus Paul and Sandra’s choice for me (Thomas Merton’s Seven Storey Mountain—which I still have to open, sorry, sweeties).
We, of course, knew that we hardly have the time to read our loot. “This is greed,” Butch Guerrero said, with his horde tucked safely away in a corner. We were shameless. (Now, six months later, I am merely midway into Midnight’s Children. Love it. Hate my schedule.)
For the godparents, Paul and Sandra gave a beautiful Parker pen.
Mine is engraved Ninang Janet.
Yeeha. And guess what? Finally got a certified true copy of our contract less than an hour ago! After six months and many hours spent seething and grinding our molars and restraining ourselves from cursing the bureaucracy. (We probably didn't succeed with that last one.)
It's now official--at least on the city-hall level. Yeh.
Yey, I'm finally a legal ninang! :)
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